Swap toast for taters! Go gluten-free with roasted slices of sweet potato you can make ahead and reheat in the toaster oven. These toasts are nutrient-dense...
All you need are four ingredients-large shrimp, extra-virgin olive oil, lemons, and garlic-to make this flavorful appetizer. This versatile dish is equally...
When you make this juicy chicken recipe, use the leg quarters for dinner tonight and save the breast portions to make Chicken Salad with Lemon-Yogurt Dressing...
Move over salted caramel, there's a new dessert sauce in town! This rich, velvety maple cream makes an excellent gift. It also serves as the filling for...
A little time under the broiler intensifies the aroma and flavors of the tomatoes, jalapenos, onion, and garlic, adding a rich, smoky flavor to this spicy...
Looking for a special main for a holiday meal? You found it. This herb-stuffed pork roast will impress everyone at the table (and you'll be impressed with...
Roll up your sleeves for this neat, nourishing rendition of a meat-and-tomatoes favorite. Use ground turkey as a smart stand-in for ground chuck in a range...
Pies are among America's favorite desserts. With a little practice, you can learn to adapt this basic formula depending on what fruit is in season, and...
This nourishing Middle Eastern salad comes together in a flash. Mix cooked bulgur with chopped tomatoes, parsley, mint, scallions, lemon juice, and olive...
The dough can be made the night before and then formed into rounds just before the party. Set out a variety of toppings in bowls, and let guests assemble...
Tired of pizza to go? Bake up pies that rival your local pizzeria's when you keep this easily made dough on hand. Try this versatile base in our recipe...
A winner at potlucks and picnics and all summer long, this farfalle pasta salad features chickpeas, crisp green beans, sharp red onion, basil, and salty...
Brandy sauce is similar to the other popular steamed pudding accompaniment, hard sauce. They're both stiff sauces that are served chilled with the warm...
Many Italian-American families have their own riff on this homey chicken-and-sausage dish: Some add sweet peppers, others white wine. Flour dusted on the...